Hostly: Free Divi Layout Pack for a Hosting Business!

We’re back with a new free Divi layout! This time, we’ve prepared a five-page layout pack for cloud hosting businesses. It has a clean modern look with design reminiscent of air and space. It makes a professional, lightweight impression, which matches the marketing-oriented structure of the layout. With a detailed homepage and four pages to contain your about information, features, faq, and contact info, this layout pack can be used to build a complete website.
Requirements: The Hostly Divi layout requires that you have the Divi parent theme for WordPress installed (version 3.16 and up). It is not included with this product.

This layout is completely FREE for our subscribers!

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Beautiful and Effective

Every element in the Hostly Divi layout pack has been designed with a specific goal in mind – and this goal is to convert your website visitors into customers. It’s been done by means of thematic design and functional modules.

Catchy Hero Section

It’s a cloud. The white and light-blue design brings to mind lightness and free movement of data. The hero section brings attention to your slogan or a short manifesto – something to hook your visitors and make them scroll down.

Your Best Features

Below the hero section, you can add three of the most important features for your customers. Simple, clean icons add dynamics to the design.


A must-have on your website! Three columns allow you to display three different pricing plans, highlighting the differences between them. This way of presenting pricing shows your clients various possibilities and gives you the chance to upsell them. Do you like the 3D-like hover effect?

Your Calls To Action

There are two distinct Calls to Action for offering two kinds of services: a free consultation, for example, and purchasing a plan. Dynamic hover effects make these buttons doubly clickable!

Testimonials and Previous Clients

There is also a section devoted to your clients’ testimonials. Your prospective customers want to know that your previous clients were satisfied. And they are twice more likely to be persuaded by testimonials with pictures.

You can also add your business clients’ logos so that your visitors will know at a glance that you cater to businesses.

About Page

Here is where you tell your clients a few words about your company. This page also includes space for your team’s picture with an attractive hover effect. These little touches like hover effects make this layout dynamic and interactive.


Hostly gives you two options of displaying Frequently Asked Questions. If you want a more interactive and minimalist look, go for the toggle version. If you’d rather have everything be clear at one glance, choose the standard text version.

Contact Form and Another CTA

A clear, easy-to-use, inviting contact form helps your customers get in touch with you. The Contact page contains the “BOOK A MEETING” CTA with a short description and an icon – another way for your clients to contact you.

Final thoughts

Get a look at the layout demo and see Hostly in action! If you are our subscriber, you can download the JSON file for free – and enjoy this new, five-page layout! If you like it, let us know in the comments because we love your feedback!

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  1. Webby Giants

    You added all the important elements along with a beautiful design. Great Work!

  2. Muhammad Azeem

    Exactly same for me, appreciating your work since using the Ally theme, and amazed at what you’ve done with Divi Toolbox…

  3. Admir Rosa

    Your work is very good, impeccable, congratulations!

  4. Gegli

    thanks for this article …

  5. hamitarh

    very good design and good layout. tnx

  6. John

    Exactly same for me, appreciating your work since using the Ally theme, and amazed at what you’ve done with Divi Toolbox…

  7. Hurri

    Thank you for this great freebie!
    I’ve always enjoyed your work ever since I used your Ally Theme.
    I’m also very impressed with your Divi Toolbox too, amazing stuff.


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License Details


Single Site

A regular license allows an item to be used in one project for either personal or commercial use by you or on behalf of a client. The item cannot be offered for resell either on its own or as a part of a project. Distribution of source files is not permitted.


Unlimited Sites

An extended license allows an item to be used in unlimited projects for either personal or commercial use. The item cannot be offered for resell either on its own or as a part of a project. Distribution of source files is not permitted.


Each license is a one-time payment. There are no annual fees. You get lifetime access to product updates. Support is provided for 6 months from the date of purchase.

Server Requirements


  • PHP 7.2 or later
  • upload_max_filesize (256M)
  • max_input_time (300)
  • memory_limit (256M)
  • max_execution_time (300)
  • post_max_size (512M)


  • php-xml or/and php-dom
  • XMLReader
  • PHP CURL module


  • allow_url_fopen

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