Using Divi Template Hooks to Add Global Footer Layout

Oftentimes, when using the Divi theme, we find ourselves with the need to build our website footer using the Divi Builder rather than standard WordPress widgets. At first, you try playing with the global sections – you place your global section on each page and post manually. That approach works well to some extent, but if you’re using a blog, you might not want to use the Divi Builder on each post. Not to mention the pages like archives, blog categories, search results – all of these can’t be edited with the Divi Builder as of yet.

Divi Theme Builder

Elegant Themes have already announced they’re working on something they called the “Theme Builder”, which will allow us to use the Divi Builder to design every pixel of our website. There is no ETA on this feature yet, all we know is that it’s on the roadmap. So until then – there’s a pretty simple method to display any Divi layout as a global footer – without editing the footer.php file, so let’s dive in!


First – the Footer Layout

It doesn’t really matter what method you’ll use to create your footer layout. You can use one of Divi’s pre-made layouts, create one from scratch using the Builder, or (if you’re our subscriber) you can download the one I made for this tutorial:

All that matters is that your layout is saved in the Divi Library.

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The Divi Library & Layout ID

For this method to work, we first need to know the ID of the layout we want to use. If you navigate to the Divi Library and choose to edit your layout, you’ll be able to see the ID in the browser address bar. You should see something like this:

787 is the layout ID in this example.

Divi Template Hooks

Divi version 3.2 (the so-called Developer Edition ;-)) has introduced new template Hooks (Filter and Actions). You can read all about it in Elegant Themes Documentation page, but in this tutorial we will be focusing on one hook in particular.

The et_after_main_content is an action hook, and – just like any WP action hook – it is triggered at a specific time when WordPress is running and lets us take an action. We can read in the Divi documentation that it fires after the main content, before the footer is output. And that is a great time to insert our footer, right?

Add function to functions.php

We need to add a function to our child theme’s functions.php file. Remember not to edit the Divi theme directly as any changes made in the Divi template files will be lost with the next update. And if you’re using a premium Divi Child Theme and you don’t want to edit its files either – you can create a simple plugin and include this function inside.

This is the code we’ll need:

function dl_custom_footer() {
	echo do_shortcode('[et_pb_section global_module="787"][/et_pb_section]');
add_action('et_after_main_content', 'dl_custom_footer');

That’s it

Just remember to change 787 to your own layout ID and you’re all set having a truly global footer.

In my next post, I’ll show you how to apply conditional logic to your function in order to display layouts on specific pages using WordPress conditional tags, so make sure you don’t miss that one!

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  1. Roshan Pradhan

    I just love the way you have designed your user comment section. Any tips on how can make my website comment section beautiful as yours. Thanks

    • Ania RomaƄska

      Thanks, Roshan! I’m glad you like it 😉 You can inspect this page in your browser, it required quite a bit custom CSS and JS (to hide and show additional comments). I might do a tutorial one day on how to recreate it.

  2. Yuni Andriyani

    Hi Ania,
    This is great but can you help me, how to hide this global footer For a particular page.


    • Ania RomaƄska

      The body element has a unique CSS class on every page, so you can use this (and your injected section ID) to hide that section, using custom CSS in the Theme Options or in the stylesheet.

  3. Dante

    First off, wanted to say that this has been added by default to all my child themes as it is such a great solution for custom footers.

    Secondly, can this same method be used to create a customized global header menu?

    • Ania RomaƄska

      Hi Dante, yes, you’d just need to replace the hook with et_before_main_content to insert a layout at the top of the page.

  4. Armen Rizal Rahman

    Thanks for this Ania!

    However, in my case, I have two different layouts to publish: One for desktop and one for mobile. What additional codes do I have to add in to the above?

    • Ania RomaƄska

      I think you’d need to include both and then use CSS to hide and show the correct one depending on the screen size.

  5. nicolas

    This doesn’t happen with the EXTRA theme, can you help me do this with the Extra theme?
    Sincerely thank you

    • Ania RomaƄska

      I’m afraid there is no template hooks in Extra theme, so this method won’t work.

  6. webabzar

    thanks ania, very helpful article it save my time

    • Ania RomaƄska

      Using shortcodes is different than using Template Hooks – the plugin seems like a solid solution for what you need, and it’s very lightweight.

  7. Drew

    Can this be applied to links in Mega Menu? 🙂

  8. Best Paintball Gun

    Will this work for Extra theme too?
    I followed the same steps in Extra theme but it is not showing the new footer.
    Can you please help me?
    This is the site:

    • Ania RomaƄska

      No, I’m afraid there is no template hooks in the Extra theme (at least there were no last time I checked, you should see the theme footer.php)

  9. Shelley Tomich

    Hi! I am working on a site for a client and have used the hook to insert a footer (the whole thing work in progress, don’t judge the design). But there is a white space below the wood grain and the bottom bar. I actually don’t want either.
    I can hide the bottom bar with
    #main-footer {display: none;}

    but white space is still there. Any ideas?

  10. Tomas

    Hi Ania, this code doesn’t work with latest version 3.26.3. I tried get this code in child and normal theme, but nothing happens. Can you help me please? Thank you!

  11. martinez paul


    There is an issue with this trick, Monarch social network appear after the footer …
    have you a solution for that ?

    Thank you

  12. Charlie Everest

    This is great! And I will definitely give it a try

  13. Johan van Es


    I want to show one layout over the entire site on a certain day of the week. How can I do that?

    • Ania RomaƄska

      You would need to use a cron job for that or some custom PHP function. There is also a plugin called Divi Display Logic, which may have this option. I’m sorry, but I can’t help you in more details.

  14. Amy S Chaplin

    I was trying to display two sections using this:

    Only the first shows–can you please explain what I’m going wrong?
    Thank you!

  15. Jason L

    Howdy! This is great!

    Would one need to disable the existing footer and then add this code to the functions file?

    Thank you!

    • Ania RomaƄska

      You can use both – the “injected” footer design will be displayed just before the standard Divi footer.

  16. Shanora

    I know this has been out for awhile, but I’m just now getting around to it… so much easier than I expected! Thanks for the info.

  17. Jaroslava Vagner Svensson

    Hi Ania, would you be able to help with a code that hides the hook section when going into the visual builder? I have a section that is in the header, but it takes up so much of the screen when my client goes in to edit in the front end? I hope that makes any sense. Basically, hide a section in visual builder in the front end. 🙂 Thank you for all your super content!

    • Ania RomaƄska

      Hi Jaroslava,
      The body element gets a CSS class of et-fb when the Divi Biulder is enabled, so you can use this (and your injected section ID) to hide that section, using custom CSS in the Theme Options or in the stylesheet.

  18. Vassilis

    Hi Ania and thank you for your usefull tips, just a question.. did you notice that the injected layouts with do_shortcode are not correctly rendered into the visual builder?This happens through hooks or even editing the php of the page.
    Is there a workaround to this? I searched a lot without finding a solution, is like when the visual builder is enabled, the sections and rows of the injected layouts are counted in a wrong way and it can’t retrieve the right classes, so sections appears unstyled.
    many thanks

    • Ania RomaƄska

      Yes, I don’t have the solution for that, but I wouldn’t worry about it either. It’s how how the front page of your site looks is important, not the VB 😉

  19. Andreas

    Many thanks for this useful method, Ania.
    I have the issue that I loose all my section styling (padding between the columns, bullet points – no CSS-Code changed!).
    Only on the page on which I created the global section the styling appears as it should be.
    Any Idea?
    Many thanks!

    • Ania RomaƄska

      I wouldn’t use global section here, they tend to behave very weirdly sometimes. You will still be able to edit it in one place via Divi Library, there is no need to use the global setting here.

    • Rodeck

      I have learned something new – thanks for that.
      Of course the hook replaces the global feature, all changes made via the library are hooked to each site.
      Without global settings the footer on the homepage is different from the hooked footer on the other pages (padding, bullet points). Even if i leave the footer section as as additional section on the homepage and hook the section again to the homepage there is the difference in styling as well?

      • Ania RomaƄska

        Are you using custom CSS to style the footer? It’s hard to guess what could be wrong here without seeing the page..

  20. Gegli

    thanks Ania . it was useful

  21. btdong

    thank you for that tutorial.

    How about if i want to insert the section just right after my blog content (before the comment box) ?

  22. Kotryna

    Thank you for your clear and useful tutorial!
    I have the same problem as someone mentioned – the Background is not rendered. The background in the footer in post pages is white, but it should be grey (I try to add different footers in different pages).
    Maybe someone else had this problem too and know how to solve the Background issue?

  23. Gegli

    thanks for help about that

  24. Gk

    Hi Ania, I used the same tips to add the layout above the footer. but somehow the background colour are not rendering. Any suggestion?
    Please advise how can can I send PM with link

  25. Dante

    Can this be hidden on pages that we want to display ‘Blank’ templates on? I am using this on a Woocommerce store and would like to remove the header and footer entirely from the checkout page, however the section using the hook is sticking around.

    • Ania RomaƄska

      Yes, it is possible – check your checkout page source to see what classes are added to the body element and also add a custom CSS class or CSS ID to your section. Then use custom CSS to hide your section, something like

      body.checkout-page #your-section-id {display:none;}
  26. Gina Preston

    Unfortunately this is not working for me.

    • Ania RomaƄska

      This is most likely due to outdated child theme you’re using, which doesn’t include the Divi template hooks. Make sure the header.php and footer.php in your child theme are up to date with the latest Divi version of those files.

  27. frank

    Can i use this code on Divi extra theme?

    • Ania RomaƄska

      No, I don’t think Extra theme has it’s own template hooks. The Divi ones won’t work, and there is no documentation on ET website if there are any others. You’d need to check the theme files to see if you can find any.

  28. Julia

    Hi Ania,

    I love this solution and have used it successfully throughout the site.

    However, I have just noticed that if I add a new item to the Divi Library the footer then defaults to that item (despite the fact that the page id is different to what I have put in the code in the functions.php file).

    I’m not sure if you can shed any light on this but would greatly appreciate if you can suggest anything? I am also using your Divi Toolbox plugin but I cannot find anything there that is conflicting with this.

    • Ania RomaƄska

      Hi Julia,

      I did had a similar situation once, but to be honest I don’t remember what was the fix, and I can’t seem to be able to replicate this issue now. Try reseting your permalinks and check if it makes a difference if the sections are global or not..

      • Julia

        Hi Ania,

        Thanks for your reply. I tried re-setting the Permalinks but no luck. I also re-saved the footer as a Global element .. obviously when I did that it went to the top of the Divi Library list (so worked temporarily). But, unfortunately, as soon as I added another library item it defaults to that one again (ie. the newest !).

        This is so odd and very frustrating. If you think of anything else I would greatly appreciate it .. Maybe someone else will find the same problem and discover the solution !

        Many thanks anyway 🙂

  29. Adam

    Is there a specific place in the footer.php that the code should go? I posted it into the file, but the website is not properly showing the saved module.

    • Ania RomaƄska

      This function is meant for the functions.php file – the whole point in this method is that you don’t need to override the footer.php template 😉

  30. Rumy

    Hi Ania,

    Thank you for this amazing tutorial! I was wondering, is it possible to only show the footer on pages and not blog posts or projects?

  31. Victor

    Thank you so much for sharing! I tried to save two sections in the same Divi Library layout and it worked perfect as a footer as well.

  32. Matt

    I tried another tut from Geno by editing the footer.php in a child theme. However, it didn’t work. I saw your post and tried it and it worked. Then I went to update my footer and get rid of my old global footer on my page and now I am getter a “Validation Failed. 4 Fields Require Attention. Now I can’t save any pages. I’ve never seen this before until after I added your hook.

    • Ania RomaƄska

      Hi Matt,
      Are you using the ACF plugin? This error is caused by this bug I think.

  33. Xus

    Hello Ania,
    How can I use this trick but with a multilanguage website..
    For every language there is a different post ID..


    • Ania RomaƄska

      You can use WordPress Conditional Tags, as explained in this tutorial.

      • Xus

        Hi again, I’ve looked throught all the conditional tags available, but none refers to the language of the page…
        There is someting I’m missing?

      • Ania RomaƄska

        It probably depends on which plugin you’re using. For WMPL this seem to work, and this when using Polylang.

  34. steve prud'homme

    Hey great thanks glad I found this, how would I add it with a plugin?

  35. Mark (DaPs)

    Thanks very much for easy to understand explanation Ania 🙂

    I came here from (more than once!) and just wanted to says thanks.

  36. Murph

    Thank you for this Ania. I’m looking forward to the post on using this with conditional logic. Any idea when you will post it? 🙂

    • Ania RomaƄska

      Thanks! It’ll ready after the weekend 🙂

  37. John J.

    I want to hide this on just the landing page. How would I do that? Thank you!

      • John J.

        Thank you! You’re wonderful, and very talented.

  38. Sheila McRae

    Love the global footer, but have a requirement to hide it on one page of a website. Is there an easy way to do this?

    • Ania RomaƄska

      Yes, you’d need to wrap the echo part with a condition that says “if not this page..”, something like this:

      if (!is_page(999)) {
         echo ... the same shortcode as before....

      Just replace 999 with this page ID.

  39. Allan Anova

    i tried this and followed all instructions but the footer is not appearing.. is it because of my cache or plugins?

    • Ania RomaƄska

      I don’t thinkg caching could be the issue. Make sure you you’re not using any custom footer.php in your child theme already.

  40. Donal

    Great tutorial.

    Can this be done to replace the header/menu using the et_html_top_header hook?

    • Ania RomaƄska

      The et_html_top_header and et_html_main_header are filter hooks, so it works a bit different – but yes, with that function you would replace the default content of #top-header or #main-header with your section.

  41. Gerard

    Thanks Ana for sharing quality content!

  42. Joe

    Great post! I just did the same thing for another client using a slightly different method by making a footer.php file in the child theme and adding the following:

    Your way is more efficient but the above method allows you to place the layout anywhere in the footer.

    Thanks for all the great posts!

  43. Tess

    No way! I was just looking for something like this when your email came through.

    Thank you, we got it working in no time 🙂

  44. Xus

    Could work inserting the code through a code snippet plugin?

  45. nordie

    i really like this. But something is missing

    you say: move the CSS from the Code Module.
    In the supplied json there is no Code Module

  46. Dante

    Finally got it working, just a bit of user error on my end putting it in the functions.php file.

    Works beautifully! Awesome tutorial.

  47. nordie

    strange this does not work with the Extra theme

    • Ania RomaƄska

      I’d guess that Extra has different tamplate hooks (if any), but there is nothing in the documentation on that I’m afraid, so you’d need to go through the Extra template files to check if there are any hooks available.

  48. Dante

    Trying this method it seems that the section that is saved to the library is losing all of its styling. Any idea how to make the style apply to the section you are trying to make the global footer or any idea what might be causing that issue?

    • Ania RomaƄska

      Can you share your page URL and details what exactly seems to be missing? The settings you set within the Divi Builder options should apply normally, but if you are using some custom CSS that targets this section by its number (eg. et_pb_section_1 class) – this may not work and you would want to change it to some custom CSS class, as that number is added dynamically and can be different on different pages.

      • Dante

        Could you give me an email to share it to, rather than in the comments here?

      • Ania RomaƄska

        Sure, it’s hello[at]

  49. Daniel Stadeli

    Thanks Ania, good job explaining the global footer!!


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