About Us – Free Divi Layout for a Business Couple

About Us – Full Page Layout for Divi

Ah, Valentine’s Day. Hearts, chocolates, cute kittens dressed as heart-shaped chocolates
 Love is in the air 🙂 And while this fluffy, pink, glittery vibe is very nice, it doesn’t get to stick for the rest of the year, right? That’s why the freebie Valentine’s Day PRESENT we have for you today is couple-themed, but can also be safely used all year round!

Requirements: The About Us Page Divi layout requires that you have the Divi parent theme for WordPress installed (version 3.1 and up). It is not included with this product.

Become Divi Lover’s Valentine today and grab a Divi layout for a business couple About Us page! You’ll get a JSON file that you can use in any way you want – for free!

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Who is it for?

This layout is made specifically for any small business run by two people together. In the layout demo, you can see we chose a web-design business as our example. It is run by Sophie, who is responsible for the designs, and Walter, whose job is coding those designs.

Of course, this layout is very versatile, and all you need to do to personalize it is just change the pictures and the written content! The look is clean and professional, no hearts or fluffy bits, and the message this layout is sending is Together in Business.

The layout’s highlights

As you can see on the demo page, the colors are simple and minimalistic, giving off a very professional, clean vibe. Two focal points with more color are the images, which also contain an interesting hover effect – they display text on hover. This fun effect can be used to add a personal touch to each photo, like a motto or a fitting quote.

Other sections include the service section, where each partner’s strengths are highlighted. This isn’t a cold, formal business offer – in this section, again, we focus on the partners’ personalities and the benefits each of them brings into the company.

We also have the Fun & Random Facts section, which is exactly what it sounds like. There is space for three facts.

We used Divi Scroll Effects to create a fixed call to action which will ensure that no website visitor will miss the point of this page: to hit that button and hire our couple for a job! (Or do whatever else you intend your visitors to do.) The blurry background effect is achieved with a tiny bit of custom CSS.

Plenty of white space makes this design light and airy. This way, all the important elements come to the fore. Most of all, the layout highlights the partners’ personalities and how well they work together.

Use it however you want!

Of course, the entire layout is optimized for mobile devices so it will look pixel-perfect on tablets and smartphones! No need to optimize it yourself – all you need to do is add your own images and text, and voila! Your perfect Business Couple About Us page will be ready.

Check out this brand-new Divi page layout demo. And if you’re our subscriber – download the JSON file it for free and use it as you want, for your website or for your clients’ websites!

What do you think you’ll use the layout for? Let us know in the comments!

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License Details


Single Site

A regular license allows an item to be used in one project for either personal or commercial use by you or on behalf of a client. The item cannot be offered for resell either on its own or as a part of a project. Distribution of source files is not permitted.


Unlimited Sites

An extended license allows an item to be used in unlimited projects for either personal or commercial use. The item cannot be offered for resell either on its own or as a part of a project. Distribution of source files is not permitted.


Each license is a one-time payment. There are no annual fees. You get lifetime access to product updates. Support is provided for 6 months from the date of purchase.

Server Requirements


  • PHP 7.2 or later
  • upload_max_filesize (256M)
  • max_input_time (300)
  • memory_limit (256M)
  • max_execution_time (300)
  • post_max_size (512M)


  • php-xml or/and php-dom
  • XMLReader
  • PHP CURL module


  • allow_url_fopen

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